Keto Bulletcoffee Pack (Ghee Butter + Juggernaut MCT Oil)
An Excellent Companion of Keto or other low carbs diet as CocoEarth’s Keto bulletcoffee Pack contains zero carbs and is rich in MCT.
In the box:
1. The Juggernaut MCT Oil (500ml x 1) : 100% MCT (C8:60% & C10:40%), 14g MCTs per serving, Almost Zero carbs, No Nasties, and Gluten-Free. Perfect addition to your Keto-Coffee/ Bulletcoffee, smoothies, salads & yogurt
2. CocoEarth Grass-Fed Ghee Butter (250ml x 2): 100% Pure Milk Fat, Grass-Fed Clarified Butter, Rich in MCTs, Zero-Carbs, Zero-Cholesterol, High Smoke Point 250ºC, Lactose-Free, Casein-Free, High in Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, Rich in Vitamins A, D, E & K (fat-soluble), Antioxidants, and contains absolute no chemicals or impurities
Your order should be delivered in 7-10 working days.